Syncing with ServiceNow

Syncing with ServiceNow: 6 innovation trends and what they mean for your business

Andy Whiteside Season 1 Episode 23

In my conversations with the ServiceNow partner community, there’s one thing I’m consistently asked: How do we work with you to adapt to the rapid speed of innovation and change? My answer is simple: To truly innovate, you have to understand the trends behind the innovation.

ServiceNow recently collaborated with Harbor Research to scan the global marketplace. We wanted to understand the widespread digital transformation and rapid technology shifts that are fueling growth—and driving significant complexities—for organizations.

I’m happy to announce the release of our inaugural innovation trends report. We’ve uncovered six key technology trends that will affect the ways organizations reimagine work, processes, and value creation.

The report also highlights the implications of cloud computing and AI, and how they’ve revolutionized resource creation and management. Let’s face it, as the digital landscape shifts, new technologies emerge—and so do opportunities to enable growth.

Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-host: Kristen McDonald
Co-host: Fred Reynolds
Co-host: Derek Cassese


00:00:01.980 --> 00:00:24.750
Andy Whiteside: Everyone and welcome to Episode 23 of sinking with service. Now I'm your host, Andy White side I've got. Well, I'm just gonna say it because I just made I just kind of picked on. I got Kristin and 2 knuckleheads. Hey, guys, Mcdonalds with us. Kristen is hanging out down in Texas this family stuff, where she's handling, taking care of business and working at the same time. Kristen, how are you? How are you?

00:00:24.750 --> 00:00:37.240
Andy Whiteside: I'm doing good. So Kristen's multitasking and prepared for today. And we're gonna talk through some some service now, innovation trends with her. And then we're gonna have Fred and Derek Fred Reynolds, who runs our modern apps. Breakfast, Fred, how's it going?

00:00:37.370 --> 00:00:39.279
Fred Reynolds: Wonderful? How are you guys doing today?

00:00:40.160 --> 00:01:01.559
Andy Whiteside: Good! I just I just alluded to you or gave you the visual of you being the Ogb y. End of service. Now, it's integral. How's that? Make you feel? Yeah, a little odd. But that's okay. So you know, it's okay. We're starting off on a great foot. I'm excited. Ogb, yin knucklehead birthing our service. Now, practice, which

00:01:01.660 --> 00:01:09.610
Andy Whiteside: it's about a year, a year and a half old now. So it's it's a it's coming, it's it's it's here. And you guys are doing a good job leading that

00:01:09.780 --> 00:01:27.400
Andy Whiteside: picking up the service. Now, stuff.

00:01:28.090 --> 00:01:37.710
Derek Cassese: yeah, I am actually picking up a little bit. I mean, I'm a little dangerous because I got myself a developer instance of service now, and I'm starting to play around with some stuff so

00:01:37.900 --> 00:01:39.109
Derek Cassese: pretty interesting.

00:01:39.550 --> 00:01:40.779
Andy Whiteside: But I told

00:01:40.930 --> 00:01:42.100
Andy Whiteside: go ahead.

00:01:42.360 --> 00:01:58.130
Andy Whiteside: I told Fred forever, and I've been telling you that I think you your your legacy, your lineage is actually on integration stuff around service. Now you just happen to go to salesforce and pick up a passion around that, too. So you're you're kind of a a dangerous secret weapon.

00:01:58.390 --> 00:02:00.260
Andy Whiteside: We're gonna be fun to watch.

00:02:00.270 --> 00:02:10.780
Derek Cassese: Yeah, I kinda look at it like, you know, windows and Mac, I mean, I can use whatever I whatever I have in front of me, if it's getting the job done quite frankly. So these these platforms are

00:02:11.030 --> 00:02:16.040
Derek Cassese: extremely impressive that are out there these days. Service now being one of them. So yeah, it's

00:02:16.190 --> 00:02:26.779
Andy Whiteside: it's it's really cool stuff. I saw a college quarterback scramble. He right handed college quarterback scramble to his left over the weekend and and throw a spiral with his left hand. That's kind of like you

00:02:27.760 --> 00:02:28.860
Andy Whiteside: or touchdown.

00:02:29.110 --> 00:02:30.040
Derek Cassese: There you go

00:02:30.480 --> 00:02:53.919
Andy Whiteside: alright. So I'm gonna do what I call this integral, commercial, real quick. So if you're listening to this podcast and you're a service now, customer. And you do not feel like you're getting the value out of the partner. You're currently working with in service now, potentially. But the partner you're working with reach out to us, Andy Whiteside. Fred Reynolds. Derek sees Krista Mcdonald reach out to us on linkedin. She was a message. That's why we're here. That's why we do this proactively. You don't sit around and wait

00:02:53.940 --> 00:03:03.799
Andy Whiteside: for you to have a need. We kind of help identify needs that are out there trends we're going to talk about today. We try to be product. We try to be a real value, added reseller integrator, mainly service Provider. You name it.

00:03:03.820 --> 00:03:31.620
Andy Whiteside: and so that's the commercial. So off we go with doing that. So Kristen the blog you brought today was from September twelfth of this year by getting Rob PAL Palmer. So give Rob his credits. We don't wanna be like Chat Gp, and just not give credit. So we'll give everybody a credit and the title of it is 6 innovation trends, and what they mean for your business. I assume these are gonna be service now related. But who knows? We'll find out so Kristen, why did you pick using what's in the opening paragraph, why did you pick

00:03:31.680 --> 00:03:32.700
Andy Whiteside: this block?

00:03:33.460 --> 00:03:56.390
Kristin McDonald: So I think every business is looking to expand their innovation at this moment. In time. You know, we've got lots of change happening in the technology world and and changes happening at a pace that we've never seen before. So a lot of companies are are trying to get their hands around it and identify. How do I keep up with this pace of change? So this blog speaks to that? Quite well.

00:03:56.520 --> 00:03:57.190
Kristin McDonald: Yeah.

00:03:57.650 --> 00:04:03.930
Andy Whiteside: Fred, your thoughts on pace of change being faster than ever. Kristen said that I believe she's right.

00:04:03.970 --> 00:04:21.620
Fred Reynolds: Do you believe that? And why? Yeah, I think that not only is the pace of change really increased several years ago, just hasn't let up, and you would have thought that maybe change was happening and innovation was happening. But we see innovation at the next level seems like every year, right and and AI and stuff to big boom now. But either way innovation just continues to plow forward

00:04:21.620 --> 00:04:39.260
Fred Reynolds: some companies, some people haven't even caught up to moving off of excel, even though to a platform like some people should have it digitized what they have. So they're never catching up in that way. So when I look at as far as innovation exponentially growing, I mean, it is not just what's happened last 5 years. It just is not slow down. It seems to be increasing.

00:04:39.270 --> 00:04:45.499
Andy Whiteside: You think that's a true statement. Since the beginning of the industrial age. It's just now so prevalent, happening so fast you can't ignore it

00:04:47.580 --> 00:05:12.759
Fred Reynolds: could be, I believe so. I poly poly, you know, talking to my dad and going back when he was in his promo work. You know. 2030 years we probably set thought the same thing. Things are moving very fast, and we keep innovating, maybe. But these days I'm telling you, the technology is there for us to to develop quicker, faster, less people. So I think we see more of it. And and I'm gonna bring that same question, Derek. But I'm gonna chime in this first. And if you think about what the promise of AI is, it hadn't even got started yet.

00:05:12.790 --> 00:05:13.870
Fred Reynolds: That's true.

00:05:14.600 --> 00:05:25.670
Andy Whiteside: So, Derek, do you see this happening? You see, you've been on the customer side various vendor side. Now you're on the Integrator side. Do do you see that in not only your work world, but your personal world. How fast things are changing?

00:05:26.370 --> 00:05:29.239
Derek Cassese: Yeah, I mean, that's the what that's the the

00:05:29.540 --> 00:05:46.959
Derek Cassese: the main constant that we have is change in in what we do, which is kind of why, I love W. You know, being a part of this whole thing is because what I did 10 years ago is totally different for what I'm gonna do the next 10 years. But I also, what I also see is kinda interesting in that for customers and businesses to

00:05:47.210 --> 00:05:58.910
Derek Cassese: stay relevant. You've gotta innovate. You've gotta be, you know you've gotta continue to try to be first, and in order to to get talent, you've gotta continue to innovate, cause you've gotta entice those

00:05:59.010 --> 00:06:07.949
Derek Cassese: new Talent Pool coming out of college, and not that they want to go work for. So it's just it's it's like 2, full, 3, full 4 full that just keeps continuing.

00:06:08.230 --> 00:06:16.440
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, I'm excited for you now on this side of the business, because you don't think you've ever been on this side of business where you actually get to go make it happen for people. So it's gonna be fun for me to watch you do that

00:06:16.470 --> 00:06:19.120
Andy Whiteside: over the next over the next few years

00:06:19.280 --> 00:06:39.679
Andy Whiteside: I just had this visual. Tell me if this visual makes sense to you guys, it's like one of those like tour de France bike races, where, throughout the course of the race, this big packs of people changing first place, second place, and it just it just happens like they just keep revolving, and then all of a sudden, somebody makes a big break for it and takes off, and the whole pack has to chase them down.

00:06:39.680 --> 00:06:49.810
Andy Whiteside: to me. That's kind of what it feels like, except the the rate of change, and the pack shuffling around just keeps getting faster and faster, and everybody keeps going faster than they thought they was even possible.

00:06:50.150 --> 00:06:58.189
Fred Reynolds: and I think to add on to that, I think where you had a bike race of 50 people. Now it's 200. Now it's 300, right? I think the people in the race are a lot more

00:06:58.720 --> 00:06:59.579
Andy Whiteside: for sure.

00:07:00.830 --> 00:07:11.439
Andy Whiteside: Alright, so Kristen the first section here says exponential innovation. I think we just got through talking about that. But is that a trend that you see happening, and how service. Now play a role in that.

00:07:11.540 --> 00:07:27.849
Kristin McDonald: Absolutely. So again, that goes back to the pace of change. And these tools just kind of building off each other to accelerate that that pace of change. But a tool sets like service now, and even salesforce help tremendously in dealing with that pace of change.

00:07:27.850 --> 00:07:52.150
Kristin McDonald: because you've got one of my favorite things to share with clients is, you know, you've got an army of developers behind each of these platforms, and they are constantly improving, constantly building on the platforms, and they're always looking to the next big thing, and how to incorporate that and how to incorporate it wisely, so that it plays well with the other aspects of the platform. So, having a tool set like

00:07:52.150 --> 00:08:06.910
Kristin McDonald: service, now, like salesforce backing up your technology solutions and your services and and products that you're offering to customers really can help. You deal with that piece of change because they're right there with you, building along alongside you.

00:08:06.910 --> 00:08:07.530

00:08:07.720 --> 00:08:08.929
Andy Whiteside: read your thoughts.

00:08:09.240 --> 00:08:33.870
Fred Reynolds: Well, when I when I think about this in terms of of service now and exponential innovation, I really think about the platform they built for the their users and the customers. Right? I look at it saying, if I'm a business unit within a company, I've been given the ability with with flow design or a way to automate some of my processes. That's innovation to them. And that's extreme. Consider the fact that they've done it a certain way for a while. So you take that times, multiple people with that business unit or across a company.

00:08:33.870 --> 00:08:44.610
Fred Reynolds: That's how I think it gets exponential because you can take a platform like this, a technology and create a way for them to drag and drop a process flow that becomes all of a sudden automated. That's that's big.

00:08:44.610 --> 00:08:49.290
Fred Reynolds: That could be a lot of cost reduction. And that could be a lot of time savings everything.

00:08:49.470 --> 00:08:50.719
Andy Whiteside: Derek, your thoughts.

00:08:51.480 --> 00:08:57.590
Derek Cassese: Yeah, I mean, this is just this is just the way of the world, right? I mean, we've got to keep trying to figure out what the next big thing is, and

00:08:57.740 --> 00:09:26.279
Derek Cassese: we we try to. If it's not the right thing, we fail, we fail fast, we get to the next thing, and then we continue on and like like we just said, right. AI is the thing right now wasn't too long ago that wh? What was it? Blockchain or nfts, or something else. And so it's it's exciting, right? I think we're. It's exciting, because with the whole Gpt, you know, stuff that's come out. It's really kind of flipped this thing on its head. And now there's so many new things coming out

00:09:26.290 --> 00:09:32.210
Derek Cassese: just from that one piece of technology being basically accessible to everybody.

00:09:33.490 --> 00:09:51.549
Andy Whiteside: So Rob, who wrote this blog? I don't know that he put these in order of most important. But I'm gonna change number 2 and say it should have been number one, but I'm gonna tweak it slightly I just mentioned, or somebody did. Platform. So to me, number 2, trend is people moving to a common platform.

00:09:51.550 --> 00:10:16.540
Andy Whiteside: but also realizing that there's other technologies like in this case service now talking to salesforce service, now talking to Citrus cloud that are not siloed anymore, like they would have been like a citrix on premises. Solution service. Now, platform, whole bunch of stuff on the platform, plus non siloed data architectures that can be brought into that platform as it makes sense. So if if I was, gonna do these in order priority number 2, which is called shared data

00:10:16.540 --> 00:10:27.269
Andy Whiteside: architectures. I would actually put as number one, because once you start hitting in that trend, all that other stuff can ride along behind it in a nice, comfortable place. Kristen, am I? Am I talking nonsense?

00:10:27.280 --> 00:10:52.079
Kristin McDonald: No, you're not not talking nonsense at all. So yes, absolutely. We see a lot of aggregation and consolidation into some of these larger platform as a service type, solutions like again, service now and salesforce a lot of companies have a huge application footprint and different organizations within their company. Different departments within their company may have their own little

00:10:52.080 --> 00:11:15.659
Kristin McDonald: tool set that they're using. But it doesn't talk to any other tool set, and they really lose the efficiency and the productivity, and even the visibility into their processes and and their metrics when you have those silos. So we do see a very big push into these platforms that can handle a lot of different functions so that you can consolidate and also can integrate well with other platforms.

00:11:15.730 --> 00:11:16.430
Kristin McDonald: Yep.

00:11:17.320 --> 00:11:21.029
Andy Whiteside: Fred, I know you've come from an environment you kind of did this where you took

00:11:21.250 --> 00:11:28.390
Andy Whiteside: platform. Then you start integrating with other technologies that couldn't be on that platform, but could be talked to from that platform and vice versa

00:11:28.390 --> 00:11:51.990
Fred Reynolds: your thoughts on shared data architectures. Well, first of all, I want to recognize what you did. I really like what you did right, flipping this 2 to one. It should have been number one. If I look at some of the others that are coming behind it, because it truly is the most important thing you're not gonna have the exponential innovation without having a core place to start from. It is breaking out their silos and getting the data in a centralized place for the ones become become after this is even more important. But

00:11:51.990 --> 00:12:15.119
Fred Reynolds: in in order to really start to make change in and create automation in the company. So I'm skipping ahead. That's automation. But as far as data architecture, you have to get it into the same place to really build off of that. So really, to me, it's building blocks. And this is the start of that is, where is the data sitting? Can you put it to a centralized place, or at least the impression of a centralized place, even if it is multiple databases. But they will have access to them. It's extremely important.

00:12:15.890 --> 00:12:25.449
Andy Whiteside: And, Derek, I know you've done a lot of work previous to come into Zintigra, where you were working on a platform that brought in data worked with other data. Your thoughts on shared data architectures.

00:12:26.180 --> 00:12:30.689
Derek Cassese: Yeah, I mean. it's it's really all about the

00:12:30.750 --> 00:12:37.549
Derek Cassese: you know, the left hand, knowing what the right hand is doing, in my opinion, because you could. You could have all your data in a platform.

00:12:37.690 --> 00:12:40.330
Derek Cassese: but you could still be somewhat

00:12:40.520 --> 00:12:49.409
Derek Cassese: siloed in a way, if you don't put the appropriate security around it, the appropriate visibility around it to make sure that the appropriate people see what they need

00:12:49.440 --> 00:12:52.770
Derek Cassese: at the time they need it. So yeah, this is

00:12:52.830 --> 00:13:08.219
Derek Cassese: extremely important when it comes to kind of moving out of the whole world, where everybody just carried around all their data on their laptop in excel, so it was totally siloed. So then you get it in the platform. But then you need to make sure it's available to everybody else. Once it's in the platform.

00:13:08.490 --> 00:13:09.250
Andy Whiteside: right?

00:13:10.380 --> 00:13:16.420
Andy Whiteside: One of my favorite and least favorite things talk about is number 3 here, automation technologies. Kristen, I'm a

00:13:16.640 --> 00:13:26.720
Andy Whiteside: huge fan of automation. If we're automating things, it makes sense to automate. If we're just, you know, creating things, we gotta troubleshoot later. I'm not such a big fan. Your thoughts on the automation trend. They call here.

00:13:26.780 --> 00:13:50.099
Kristin McDonald: Yeah. So AI and machine learning obviously, are the the hot keywords as of now for automation technologies. We'll see that particular baby mature over the next few years, and and see how that flushes out in terms of usefulness. II think we will definitely see quite a bit coming from that space. But even to go just to a simpler place in terms of automation.

00:13:50.100 --> 00:14:04.009
Kristin McDonald: II do just wanna hit on the importance of workflows and automated workflows. Because that is kind of the backbone of everything you're doing and to be able to automate workflows, coordinate work between individuals.

00:14:04.010 --> 00:14:27.700
Kristin McDonald: kickoff tasks and notifications, and and, as Derek mentioned, you know, alert the right people at the right time kick off the right body of work at the right time. Just getting to that place is is still a place where a lot of businesses are are trying to get to at this point in time. So even something as simple as an automated workflow can can really take a lot of businesses to the next level.

00:14:27.900 --> 00:14:31.899
Andy Whiteside: You know. Ready? Yeah. Examples of something you guys automated your previous role.

00:14:32.400 --> 00:14:59.090
Fred Reynolds: Oh, man, what did we not automate? So when you talk about event management automation is the key to auto remediate to to, you know, to build. So we did automation in to end. So whether it's building a move cloud type stack of products, or whether it was gonna be to go out and look for an issue auto remediate to issue and come back. So you know, driving down the types of raw alarms down to real is this issues was all about automation at various levels.

00:14:59.250 --> 00:14:59.970
Andy Whiteside: right

00:15:00.990 --> 00:15:05.239
Andy Whiteside: there, any any automation stories you can recall that stand out.

00:15:05.310 --> 00:15:06.330
Derek Cassese: No, I got.

00:15:06.900 --> 00:15:15.889
Derek Cassese: I got a lot. But I mean so in in addition to automation, I think that there's something also that this brings just by the nature of what it is, and that's consistency.

00:15:16.000 --> 00:15:24.329
Derek Cassese: So you know, instead of having to onboard people and tell them they've got to do this and 5 other things. And don't forget to check this box and all that.

00:15:24.340 --> 00:15:36.649
Derek Cassese: You can basically take that process and automate it significantly, reducing on boarding time as well, so you know the way I look at it. If you've ever, if you're ever doing something repeatedly.

00:15:36.810 --> 00:15:40.210
Derek Cassese: then that's a candidate to be a automation of some type.

00:15:40.340 --> 00:15:41.080
Kristin McDonald: No.

00:15:41.300 --> 00:15:46.180
Andy Whiteside: definitely definitely need to start looking into how to do that. In the old days we wrote scripts.

00:15:46.350 --> 00:15:49.339
Andy Whiteside: and then we put those into some kind of task. Scheduler

00:15:49.470 --> 00:15:54.100
Andy Whiteside: now it happens in a much more simple way, using something like service. Now.

00:15:54.360 --> 00:16:07.820
Andy Whiteside: you know, going back to come back to automation and number 2, right? Once you get all that data somewhere where it's either in that platform or accessible from that platform, things like automation become simpler to do, and you're almost

00:16:07.880 --> 00:16:13.660
Andy Whiteside: compelled to do it versus before where you had to pluck it out of places and then do something with it

00:16:14.600 --> 00:16:26.330
Andy Whiteside: alright number 4 is new modes of work with the right tools companies are no longer behind 4 walls. They're distributed. distributed workforce distributed ecosystems. Kristen. How is this impacting us?

00:16:26.680 --> 00:16:51.629
Kristin McDonald: Yeah, so this is something we saw quite acutely with Covid and the lockdowns. You know, we moved from a organizations that came into the workplace to remote organizations. So with that migration, we saw a lot of the cloud based tool sets kinda coming up and really coming into their own. That's something, I think will continue as we kind of struggle with the hybrid approaches to

00:16:51.630 --> 00:17:09.000
Kristin McDonald: workplaces, and again the data sharing and and security and and sovereignty and regulatory issues and things like that. So I think this is trend we'll definitely see continuing. But something that has been high on individuals, minds for the past few years. For sure.

00:17:09.079 --> 00:17:13.689
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, that that becomes even more important the way we work in today, Fred, your thoughts here

00:17:13.700 --> 00:17:30.279
Fred Reynolds: well, I guess that may take this a little bit differently. But my thoughts around this is just when I think about new modes, new, new, the right tools, new modes of work, I think about service now to the applications and all the development they put into the last 10 years, and I think about a particular application and a used case. And it comes with.

00:17:30.280 --> 00:17:53.000
Fred Reynolds: built in workflows and built in structure to help someone take that next step. So I think about right tools being in there. There's tools. Now, you can just download, plug and play, and you're off to the races working. And if it's trying to file some standard you know, some standard process, even if it's something that has to be certified. These things can come to you out of the box these days. And I think that's a a quick way to start using the tools.

00:17:53.000 --> 00:17:54.680
Fred Reynolds: The right tools quickly.

00:17:55.100 --> 00:18:01.040
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, we had a podcast with citrix in service now, early this morning, talking about their itsm connector, and

00:18:01.780 --> 00:18:05.989
Andy Whiteside: came out as a connector, and then they started adding workflows into it almost right away.

00:18:06.010 --> 00:18:20.559
Andy Whiteside: That's a great example of new modes of work, or requiring us to think about what we use the platform for, and integrations with. Derek to you any thoughts on how the new work modes and the tools needed apply?

00:18:20.740 --> 00:18:27.400
Derek Cassese: No, I mean, I agree with everything that's been said, and it was really put to the test past couple of years with Covid, as was mentioned.

00:18:27.450 --> 00:18:31.840
Derek Cassese: But also just this mobile becoming more of a

00:18:32.130 --> 00:18:40.429
Derek Cassese: of a tool of consumption and becoming a tool of creation if it's done correctly, I think is also an interesting aspect of this.

00:18:40.690 --> 00:18:41.480
Andy Whiteside: Yeah.

00:18:42.320 --> 00:18:52.610
Andy Whiteside: alright, I think we touched on this one. Any user as a developer. Let's see, software becomes complex. Organizations need to make application develop more accessible. Low code. Kristen.

00:18:52.860 --> 00:19:04.080
Andy Whiteside: are, you is your background as a developer. It is. Yes. I kind of assume that. But so you're probably the right person to ask about this. What? What does low code no code

00:19:04.100 --> 00:19:09.250
Andy Whiteside: bring to the world that depending on full stack developers could not

00:19:09.470 --> 00:19:11.949
Kristin McDonald: it it really

00:19:13.080 --> 00:19:37.900
Kristin McDonald: it really brings, the tool sets and the ability to create the tool sets to the individuals who are in the trenches every day and really understand what they need. So you end up with this group that service now term citizen developers. In fact, that's a term you'll probably hear a little more widespread. But the local no code platforms really are coming up. They're really having a heyday right now, and I think they'll continue.

00:19:37.900 --> 00:19:59.059
Kristin McDonald: especially as some of the generative AI solutions and features allow really anybody, regardless of their background to build out their room tool sets. So that's something I think is really going to expand over the next few years.

00:19:59.520 --> 00:20:02.180
Derek Cassese: Yeah. yeah.

00:20:02.230 --> 00:20:05.929
Derek Cassese: yeah, like, drag and drop. And that type of stuff, right? I mean.

00:20:06.100 --> 00:20:31.089
Derek Cassese: so obviously, I was a programmer for the first half of my career as well. Writing code, and you know it's it's if you. If you enjoy it, then you enjoy it. If you don't, then it's it's torture. And the other issue is, you have a very select group of people that can then manage environments if you got a lot of custom code. So this this drive of low code solutions drag and drop. Are.

00:20:31.310 --> 00:20:42.470
Derek Cassese: It's good from a sustainability perspective across the board. It's I see it in salesforce. And you know, service. Now all these platforms have to do that. It? I think that's kind of table stakes these days.

00:20:43.060 --> 00:20:51.629
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, this is gonna sound really weird. But it's like a in a time of war you have to take every citizen and Dix capable and make them part of your army.

00:20:51.730 --> 00:21:05.819
Andy Whiteside: That's what's going to be necessary to meet the demand, what's coming next? And Fred, as someone who is, you know, trying to meet the demand and getting people on boarded with certifications and knowledge. Your thoughts on any user as a developer comment.

00:21:06.050 --> 00:21:20.530
Fred Reynolds: Well, I'll take it for 2 angles. Yes, running the practice. And we're having those people, that's, you know, a guarantee having the knowledgeable people that's going through. It's proven at time and time again to be able to solve that. But I think if I look at it from a customer's perspective and service now, and using service now as a tool of choosing that

00:21:20.530 --> 00:21:45.459
Fred Reynolds: any user, being a developer is exactly what I've seen in one customer. So far, where every view he has, he has multiple service now, what he calls developers, but really what they were with people who understood the process and procedures that they had, and he gave them the ability to go. Be now a developer, developer, being that drag and drop. It's low code. They can put it in there. They can test it. They don't have to compile it, run it, make sure it all passes. It's a matter of making it easy for them to do so.

00:21:45.460 --> 00:21:57.810
Fred Reynolds: So when I look at it, any user being a developer, if I had to go back, do it over again, I probably would have put this more practice of spreading it out in a different business units, and then I may have been more successful, would would infiltrate a lot more.

00:21:57.980 --> 00:22:17.979
Andy Whiteside: You know, I'll say this for Kristen and for Derek and Fred, you guys are all computer science related folks and developers, 80% of being a developer is understanding the the, the process, the workflow getting it documented. And then the last. I don't know. 30% or so is actually writing the code is that

00:22:18.100 --> 00:22:21.369
Andy Whiteside: is that fair? When you evaluate a developer.

00:22:22.520 --> 00:22:51.089
Kristin McDonald: I think that's where we're heading. That's definitely where we're heading, I think. And that actually goes into the next bullet with the partner networks. I think partnerships are really gonna become more consultative. More advice driven more. Let's design. Let's get your architecture right. Let's design the overall solution. And as we get more and more citizen developers in the platform, it, it may be less and less actual hands on keyboard for coding. Yup.

00:22:51.410 --> 00:23:04.699
Andy Whiteside: Well, then, the title of it's like Number 6, expand, expansive partner networks. And that doesn't just mean partners like Zintigro. That means people who haven't to eat today even realize they're gonna be part of this. They're gonna show up at some point.

00:23:06.300 --> 00:23:08.570
Andy Whiteside: Fred, your thoughts on the the

00:23:08.710 --> 00:23:15.140
Andy Whiteside: partner need, and the likelihood of it being there and expanding

00:23:15.300 --> 00:23:17.179
Andy Whiteside: to attack the the need.

00:23:17.450 --> 00:23:41.509
Fred Reynolds: Well, I'll tell you this in in service now, and we even have Eric with salesforce. And both of these platforms are so huge, just so big across and broad. Right, you have to have an extensive network of partners and people who have it right. Some people are specialized in certain areas, and it may not be experts. And also, I think you have to leverage. You know the partner community to solve some of the use cases customers have. So I see it being more and more important to make sure.

00:23:41.510 --> 00:23:49.820
Fred Reynolds: You know that that the customers have that partners that are not afraid to resell grab expertise in other areas. So it's to enable that partner community.

00:23:49.820 --> 00:23:54.520
Andy Whiteside: How how about, I say, like this? Companies like service now are gonna have to see their partners

00:23:54.660 --> 00:24:02.030
Andy Whiteside: as better partners than they currently see them, and they're also going to see customers as partners as well and not as customers.

00:24:02.790 --> 00:24:03.810
Fred Reynolds: Absolutely.

00:24:05.130 --> 00:24:09.130
Andy Whiteside: We think, Derek, you're coming from that side of the world within a month ago or so

00:24:09.260 --> 00:24:11.769
Andy Whiteside: you think, yeah, you think they get that yet?

00:24:12.370 --> 00:24:19.809
Derek Cassese: Who's they? Not all of them? But this case service now, and your former example, salesforce. II don't feel like

00:24:19.960 --> 00:24:21.530
Andy Whiteside: some of them

00:24:21.780 --> 00:24:28.990
Andy Whiteside: at certain levels in the organization, realize that partners are gonna have to be better partners for you and customers are gonna have to be seen as partners as well.

00:24:29.360 --> 00:24:34.089
Derek Cassese: Yeah, I agree with that. But there's also another layer here, too, in that.

00:24:34.360 --> 00:24:48.650
Derek Cassese: like the big engine that is, you know, the service now, and the sales forces, etc., have to keep moving, and when we go to the top, when we see that, you know exponential innovation bullet, they're gonna keep moving, and that's gonna leave the partners

00:24:48.660 --> 00:24:49.680
Derek Cassese: to

00:24:49.730 --> 00:25:00.170
Derek Cassese: kind of, you know, unmuddy the waters for the customers, if you will. And I think that's going to be extremely important. Moving forward. Hey? What's really important? Maybe. What should you wait for? That type of stuff

00:25:00.220 --> 00:25:13.340
Andy Whiteside: like going back to my bicycle race example. There's 2 or 3 people break away, but the peloton stays together, and in the long run it's that peloton mass that will win out, and those other will come back and even fade away if they're not careful.

00:25:14.590 --> 00:25:16.740
Andy Whiteside: I don't know if that worked or not, but I tried

00:25:17.090 --> 00:25:38.060
Andy Whiteside: alright. Well, Kristen, thanks for bringing this to us. There's like you said there's a ton of blogs on the service now site that really talk about business value. And it doesn't really get to the you know, the one Zeros that much. Well, that's on purpose, because the goal here, technology and talking about it from our perspective is making sure we're proving business value. Not just you know.

00:25:38.080 --> 00:25:48.930
Andy Whiteside: not just the tech involved. So thanks for bringing this one, and we'll look forward to talking to you again next time, and as well as my my friends, who I called knuckleheads, which was probably taken the wrong way a while ago.

00:25:50.160 --> 00:25:55.849
Kristin McDonald: Alright awesome. Thanks, everybody. Alright, guys, thank you, and we'll do it again next week.