Syncing with ServiceNow
Welcome to Syncing with ServiceNow, the podcast where we explore how ServiceNow’s powerful platform is transforming businesses and IT operations worldwide. Hosted by XenTegra, a trusted ServiceNow partner, we dive into the tools, innovations, and strategies that help organizations streamline workflows, boost productivity, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.
Each episode brings you expert insights, real-world success stories, and actionable tips to unlock the full potential of ServiceNow—from IT service management and operations to HR, customer service, and beyond. Whether you’re a ServiceNow pro, a decision-maker, or just getting started on your journey, this is your go-to resource for staying ahead in the world of digital transformation.
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Syncing with ServiceNow
Syncing with ServiceNow: Knowledge 2023 keynote recap: Putting yes to work
ServiceNow’s first single, global, in-person user conference since 2019, Knowledge 2023, drew more than 15,000 people. The enthusiasm among attendees was contagious.
The opening keynote of this year’s conference in Las Vegas was standing room only. Against the theme of “Putting Yes to Work,” speakers shared their well-honed insights into the future of ServiceNow, the world of work as we know it, and how companies can say yes to both growing their top line and protecting their bottom line.
Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-host: Fred Reynolds
Co-host: Kristen McDonald
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Andy Whiteside: Hi! Everyone welcome to episodes. 17 of syncing with service. Now I'm your host, Andy White side I've got Fred Reynolds, our director of our modern apps practice. Fred is working remote today. We made him turn his video off because, well, bandwidth still matters right? How's it going?
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Fred Reynolds: It's going. Great! How are you, too?
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Andy Whiteside: We're we're doing well. Are you settled back in from your trip last week?
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Kristin McDonald: Oh, he's gonna fall in the black hole. Kristen kick him out of this thing.
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Kristin McDonald: Kristen. I know you. You were with us last week in Las Vegas, so are you settled back in? I know you didn't have a where to go with these days. Yes, I am. It was a nice short plane ride this time on the West Coast. But yeah. Settled back in back to work.
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Andy Whiteside: I didn't think about it until just now, but that probably explains why you were so
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Andy Whiteside: chipper. All we we didn't have the jet that I had.
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Kristin McDonald: Yes, and no time zone change, which was nice. Very nice. It's like being a home for you.
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Kristin McDonald: Yeah.
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Andy Whiteside: Yeah. I think, Fred, maybe switching over to his bandwidth through his phone or something, so we'll leave him alone for a few minutes. He pops in my beetle juice in a few minutes.
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Kristin McDonald: Well, Kristen, you and Fred brought forth this service. Now blog about knowledge from last week. I tell you I was really
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Andy Whiteside: impressed with how big it was. First of all, I I know the service now. Space and all the workflows is huge. that was by far the biggest keynote room I'd ever been in.
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Andy Whiteside: How many knowledge have you been to
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Kristin McDonald: either 5 or 6 at this point? And it grows tremendously every single year. So it's it's really quite something to see. Yeah, did it? Did it feel twice as big as the last one or a third as big. How would you, ballpark? The the difference?
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Kristin McDonald: Oh, that was that's a good point. I'd say. Probably one in a third times the last one. Something about like that. we, the last one was so so 133% bigger, something like that, or 133 times, or gosh, I can't do percentages. Maybe I'm not quite back yet.
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Andy Whiteside: So it was 30% bigger or 30% bigger. Thank you. And that I guess that means you just went to the one last year.
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Kristin McDonald: Yes. Well, this is the first time they're back after the pandemic fully, in course. So it it was quite a sight to see. Yeah, yeah, I guess last year was just kind of they did. A couple of road shows like 2 big road shows, but not one big one. I think the last boot conference was 2,019 is what it said.
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Andy Whiteside: Yeah. Well, that makes sense. Well, the the the blog from the day is a knowledge 2,023 keynote recap
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Andy Whiteside: putting, yes, to work. this is by Laura the blue. they. They like the word yes, at service now. But it's to be honest across all the
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Andy Whiteside: platforms and technology that we work with the ability to say, yes. it's it's there. I mean, there's there's literally it's really limitless as to what you can do with this platform.
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Kristin McDonald: Absolutely, it's super configurable. And even though there's a lot of out of box applications and applications that service now has built. It is at its core a platform that you can build on and customize to meet your needs. So yeah.
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Andy Whiteside: well, here's the very first thing talks about the 2,019 since the last one. And so 2,019 all the way to 23 and 15,000 people, and they really were. It says you, enthusiastic among attendees, was contagious. It really was. I was
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Andy Whiteside: the the of people there. They were just so pro about just being together. And
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Andy Whiteside: and the service now platform was, it was
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Kristin McDonald: yeah, absolutely. I think everybody was also very happy to come back and and be together again, and be in that atmosphere for somebody who works with service. Now, day in, day out. Knowledge is is an exciting conference. Yeah.
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Andy Whiteside: let's try to loop Fred back in here real quick. and then we'll come back to the end, and maybe we'll talk through other takeaways that you had. But they got some list of this blog. The first one was the service. now.org announcement, and it's how a service now wants to give back and invest
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Andy Whiteside: invest in nonprofits. So nonprofits can go accomplish their missions. Vanessa Smith was the director of that and let in. They had a specific group from Welcome us. Us. Us, Fred. I know we first started talking about a few minutes ago. You were very high on this piece of the conference. You want to give us a little bit of exposure as to what they talked about.
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Fred Reynolds: Yeah, I just really hope that my voice come through clear here. So the neat thing is, when I first got to to knowledge, I was really excited to be there got on the elevator, and I met Vanessa as one of the first people I met at the conference. So we just kind of got the chat, you know. She looked dressed up. I was like you here for the conference, and got to know each other just for a brief moment, and understood that she was there to.
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Fred Reynolds: I guess, be more the executive vice President of a service now, org. So I explain to her that as part of integrity. We also have a nonprofit part of our business computers for community explain to her a little bit about that. And so it was really neat, just to kind of start to conference off talking with something that's being launched to
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Fred Reynolds: and and and service now.org to help nonprofit. So I think the need that she did so good, and the keynote saying that there's so much need for people to get work done and work on the process of doing the processes that are trying to figure those out that a lot of people need to service now to help them automate a lot of the processes and and keep them a new way for the day to day. Monday work, and so, I think, should be a good job of seeing how service now can help the nonprofits do that.
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Andy Whiteside: Yeah, I think it really highlights that all companies have needs for improved workflows and nonprofits just as much and maybe even more. And we, as integrate, started this computers for community nonprofit to serve other nonprofits. And we are already starting to talk service. Now on platforms. To these nonprofits we work with, and just so happens that service now has, you know, good timing for us is starting to have the same conversations and legal
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Fred Reynolds: absolutely. I think it's good that they're gonna come alongside. And also, you know, in good spirit of helping nonprofits to have a different price point for nonprofits. Help them as well to find the right partners that can help them themselves. Help them to understand how to do some configuration and help these nonprofits truly be able to spend time on what matters Then, trying to figure out manual tasks within their nonprofit organizations.
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Andy Whiteside: So Kristen, it needs to be specific. Take away from you on this part of the announcement and what it means for service. Now, service now, partners, and potentially there is nonprofits.
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Kristin McDonald: I I just think it's an exciting announcement. we've worked with enterprise customers and and small to mid-size businesses for so long. It's really exciting to see service now, focus on this nonprofit space, because, as you mentioned, every organization needs automation and streamlining and efficiency and and modern tool sets. And it's it's great to see this focus come out.
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Kristin McDonald: It goes back to my message that
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Andy Whiteside: organizations of all sizes, the enterprise, it that includes non-profit
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Kristin McDonald: absolutely.
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Andy Whiteside: Did they give us any indication of what that discounted pricing might look like.
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Fred Reynolds: Not yet. But I'm sure we're going to find out very soon as we work with a couple of companies we'll work with. So we'll figure that out soon.
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Andy Whiteside: Okay, Kristen, the next one they talked about, which is kind of important for your son who was with us, and my son is getting involved in service now, working. That was the rise up with service now in the spotlight. The title this section
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Andy Whiteside: I guess I'll set you up by saying, Why, why is this important for service now
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Andy Whiteside: to be investing in this rise up program?
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Kristin McDonald: Sure. So the rise up just to give a bit of background as to what this is. The rise. That program is service now's initiative to train up a million new service. Now administrators within the next few years.
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Kristin McDonald: And they're really trying to train up a user base to come on and be able to build applications to configure, to customize the platform and be able to support the platform for their organizations. So the Rise Up initiative, in particular, is is quite important to me. As Andy mentioned, my son is coming up as a service now, developer. He's studying computer science
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Kristin McDonald: at the moment, and Andy, son Luke is also joining us as a junior service. Now, developer. And the rise of initiative really has 3 different focus points. So they're working with colleges to train up and coming talent within colleges, so that when they graduate they're ready to start on the service. Now, platform there won't be additional training or learning required. They are ready to hit the ground running at that point.
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Kristin McDonald: They also have 2 other facets to the rise up program. one of them has to do with minority and underprivileged communities. And that is called their next gen program. And they're really getting a focus to building up individuals within that community so that they can join the workforce on the service now platform.
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Kristin McDonald: And finally, they are working with partners to train up individuals. And as a partner, that's that's incredibly important for us to participate in this rise up program and look to bring up the next generation of service. Now, developers and architects. Yeah.
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Andy Whiteside: yeah, Kristen, as you're talking through that I'm thinking about. You know, schools in my area, Fred's area that we could go and approach about taking advantage of this I don't. I don't know that they would know right off the top how valuable this could be, but I think with a little bit of a coaxing they probably could be. They probably could be explaining to them
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Fred Reynolds: definitely want to. So maybe tackle that a little bit. So I also want to hit on the fact that the need for the rise up program also contributes to the last time there was a knowledge in 2,019 it did say that I mean the company is doubled in size, it doubled in products. I mean
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Fred Reynolds: the the pace at which they're doing the innovation on this platform, and the and the rate of adoption from companies is showing there's a lack of resources to get all the work actually done. So they need to really train up a lot within service now to have expertise in each of the different 140 some products they have.
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Fred Reynolds: and then I also need to have it a more experience, higher level solution, architects to help. And they're going to have to rely on their partners to bring a lot more skilled resources with that. It makes me very excited, Andy, when I think about you, know what to do with. Rise up. What we're doing is integral building out our practice and have a more resources. And the fact that our solution architects, you know, it's been with service now from the beginning, and then I meet new people come to service now to say I've been here for 2 months, you know, 2 years. I don't care if they say 7 years. You know, it kind of makes me proud to know that it's integral. We've got, like, you know.
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Fred Reynolds: staff members that are 10 plus years 12 plus years and work on the platform. So expertise really matters and experience matters.
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Andy Whiteside: I think this is really important, because let's say, they build the greatest machine or platform ever without fuel people.
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Andy Whiteside: They'll drive it both to explain it as well as implement it and support it. It's it's only gonna go so far. I think they are recognizing that the people factor might be their limitation
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Fred Reynolds: absolutely. It is there now.
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Andy Whiteside: yeah, for let's take a follow up to maybe reach out to some folks that you know local universities around us and
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Andy Whiteside: see if we get somebody to talk to us about. Maybe
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Fred Reynolds: that university, taking advantage of this program absolutely.
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Andy Whiteside: All right. So this next topic is on every podcast I listen to every morning talking about how it's gonna take over the world or not, and that is AI and the exponential enterprise. Kristin, you want to try to tackle what they tried to bring in front of the group, and AI, and why it matters and what the impact is going to be.
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Kristin McDonald: Absolutely so I, as you mentioned the topic on everybody's mind, is AI. Right now, service now has been working with AI on their platform for many, many years. Now. They've had products out that in the AI space for several years now. And at this keynote we saw some really exciting Demos where they walked through some of their new generative AI capacity. They've taken a couple of different tactics and how they're going to approach that
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Kristin McDonald: first and foremost, they're integrating with tool sets that are out there. They've got azure and open AI plugins or connectors, I should say, where they can connect to the Apis that are available and access those tool sets. They've also got inherent Api that, or excuse me, inherent AI built into the platform.
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Kristin McDonald: And they are coming out with generative AI capacity for coding on the service. Now platform, which was really really exciting from a partner standpoint, because that means that when you tie that with that rise up program where you've got new talent coming in, they're really gonna be able to hit the ground running. So not only do we have summarization creation of knowledge based articles, but we've also got the actual
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Andy Whiteside: building of the platform happening in AI coming soon. So that's very exciting stuff. Yeah. Oh, Crystal, make a lot to you. I just had to go Google, generative AI, because I meant to do it last week, just to make sure 100% knew what that meant. Maybe there's somebody listening to doesn't know what that means, which I didn't 100% to a few seconds ago. What? What really is generative? AI. And why isn't? Why does it matter?
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Kristin McDonald: Oh, sure. So there are different types of AI out there on the market. yeah, certain types are learning based. Other types are are, yeah. So there's a few different types on the market. When you hear chat, gpt.
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Kristin McDonald: and and that is again the topic that's hot on everybody's mind that is generative. AI. That is where you're dealing with a a computer that can mimic human responses it. It seems almost like you're conversing with humans. So when you're talking about things like a virtual agent or Again, the knowledge based articles, things that really need to be in a readable format that's for generative AI could be really, really exciting, because it's
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Fred Reynolds: It's not quite so robotic. I should say it's it's very friendly, very user, friendly for humans. I think that was the big thing for me when Mcdermott was kind of introducing this. And and the AI was like it kind of click from me that I've kind of looked at it. Going. Okay, wow! They are trying to make a take over the world and be our next. CEO is just really. Not that so much is that
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Fred Reynolds: it's in the background. And this pool a lot of information. There's so much information out there. It's actually forming that information very quickly, and put into your hands very quickly, right in a in a way to make it apply for what you exactly what you're looking for so to understand the human and the contents of the question, the context of the question is, what's really important. That's the impressive things that it's learning how to pull that context and get the right information for that answer for that question.
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Andy Whiteside: Yeah. But you know, my research was got to help me understand? It's it's taking that contents
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Andy Whiteside: in context.
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Andy Whiteside: taking information it has or can get instantly, and then generating something as if it was in case of a chat. Bot, you know, talking to you as if it didn't know what you were going to say, but understood what you said, and then gave you an appropriate response versus the way Kristen talked about a minute ago where it was robotic, where it was program to say, if they say this keyword say this back.
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Andy Whiteside: So now it's more generating a response back based on what you said, how you said it, maybe how maybe when you said it? And and is that going to change everything and take a world? No. But is it going to get you? Maybe 80, 90% there? yeah, very possibly.
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Kristin McDonald: And just like a lot of technology. It's a great tool for us to use. Right? It's it's not a replacement, but it's a tool. It's not a hundred yet. It may take some time to get there Things are speeding up for sure, so it may not take as long as prior technologies, but it it's
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Fred Reynolds: still gonna take some time to get fully there. I think it'll change the adoption rate of tools like this. There's something more frustrating when you get a chat bot, that really you're like frustrated because it's not giving you what you want. So I think it will help the adoption of like virtual agent. Really that workflow. I think we would during it kind of a workflow revolution that's going to happen. And and I think that's why. Because I think when it really starts getting place very valuable. The adoption rate with skyrocketing, and people use and be more productive than what they do.
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Andy Whiteside: Well, I think you guys just said it. But I'm gonna call you out here. The title of this is AI and the exponential enterprise.
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Andy Whiteside: I think we've covered it. But let's make sure, Kristen, what do they mean by the exponential enterprise?
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Kristin McDonald: Oh, gosh! In my mind the exponential enterprise is speaks to the speed of of things that are occurring right now, you know, you look at
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Kristin McDonald: just the history of technology and the speed at which new technology is coming out and the speed of adoption for that technology, is it? It's going on a hockey stick. Really? we're seeing things being developed so very quickly. And AI is definitely powering that especially some of the code generation capabilities, because you can build entirely new tool sets in very little time with
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Kristin McDonald: developers who don't have as much experience as you to require. So it really is. Speeding things up
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Andy Whiteside: is going to be faster than it changed in the previous 20 or 30 or 50 years, and we've seen a lot of change. So that's almost scary to think. But that's the exponential benefit of AI and the imagine a world where you're chatting with a chat bot! And maybe you're getting some you know, getting some health signals from your like a a a monitor or something you've got on your body.
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Andy Whiteside: they could literally
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Andy Whiteside: home as close to a doctor as, or maybe better, in some cases as diagnosing your issue that you never left your house.
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Kristin McDonald: Yeah, absolutely
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Andy Whiteside: so, Fred. Give you a chance, you to respond to the exponential part of that title.
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Andy Whiteside: Anything else? You that?
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Fred Reynolds: No, I think that was well said. I mean, that's the way I look at it, too, is the speed at which things are coming. It's the speed of information these days is coming at us the speed of that information needed in an enterprise and make decisions. I mean, it's it's that's just day to day it to me. It's It's a little still scary of what you said, Andy. I mean that the the
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Fred Reynolds: the change that we already see and they plan to see a lot more of that over the next 5 years as opposed to the last 20. It's like, Wow, so
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Fred Reynolds: well, can you think of a company that's better position than service now, based on the platform that they've created through the last 1012, 1015 years. I can tell you this coming back from knowledge, and you know the whole. Yes, mentality which you let off this conversation. What! I just had a conversation with a customer just in, and they do not have a service. Now, what's kind of under wanting to understand a little bit about it?
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Fred Reynolds: And I love the fact that they kept asking questions. I just kept saying, Yes, yes, we can. Yes, I can. This is how it is honestly a a great unifying platform that you can easily say yes to, because
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Fred Reynolds: it's there, and if it's not there, we can build it. So we have all those capabilities that you got a platform. All you need, the data and the workflows that are needed to take advantage of that data and boom.
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Kristin McDonald: The answer is, yes, maybe maybe next year. The message of knowledge is, yes, of course.
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Andy Whiteside: let's see. Okay. So I will do this. Since we got the document from a Billy Dermot. His statement about exponential enterprise, the way he said it was. This represents the difference between old school linear thinking and a new way of thinking exponentially about innovation that probably sums it up. Pretty good.
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Fred Reynolds: Yeah, it does
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Andy Whiteside: I. I will also add that I think, he said, and it won't be AI that takes over your life. It' be that person who knows how to leverage. AI,
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Andy Whiteside: it's gonna get your job.
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Andy Whiteside: all right, Frederick, you have this one. This one's one of the business side debunking it versus business rivalry as a former CIO with an organization, Fred.
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Andy Whiteside: Business versus the it needs.
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Fred Reynolds: I think this is extremely important. Sorry I have a little lag there, some for it came over to you. But this is really important. I think we've talked about it through several of these podcasts, the need to not look at it as the the bad guy and the and it calls to the business. I mean, we have to look at how it can help the business units, and I think it was kind of said here with with the lady that presented as well. Can't see her name there. Sorry, but I know she came from a company, and she was saying the same thing. You have
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Fred Reynolds: to work together to get to the company goals, but everybody's working on their own departmental goals. You really, as a company, can't get there.
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Fred Reynolds: and and it is now powered, empowered with service now, and tools like this to give this and reach out to those capabilities and extend that to the business. To this service. Now, in particular, I think, is uniquely position.
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Fred Reynolds: because you can have business units with service. Now, administrators, configurators in there doing workflows in a specific to their business unit and not impact them or or hurting it. It's just an extension of that. So now I think you have an It organization that can extend out into each business unit with representatives. If you call it that from it, then they really see the value. So I think it really is, you know, not working against it, working with it. And it really comes to higher level
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Fred Reynolds: sea levels in the company, and then the business units to understand that except that and start working with them.
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Andy Whiteside: Yeah, for me, it's Until we started talking about this as this part of the podcast something. This this amazingly brilliant guy named Trevor. Mansel said, last week just came full circle to me. You know I've spent my entire career in enterprise infrastructure. trying to convince
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Andy Whiteside: it consumers ak our users that what I was doing is adding value to them, and it's a little bit of a stretch. I know it's there, but you have a stretch to get them to understand it's there. But when it comes to this stuff where you talk about this platform that takes all this data and all this information that allows you to create workflows. And then, better yet, you go back to the previous conversation, using artificial intelligence to get you
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Andy Whiteside: almost all the way there before you have to even think about what's happening. There's no argument that this is a business enablement, part of the industry, not You know the it suck in the life out of the business.
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Fred Reynolds: and I think when you see it successfully implemented in a company, you start seeing it really
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Fred Reynolds: work like wildfire throughout the rest of the company. They see the value, and they start looking. And then you can kind of understand the whole concept of service. Now, as a unifying platform, it starts dipping into each of the business
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Fred Reynolds: or per se each, each vertical within those business units and financials and legal and and every bit of it to kind of get value out of it.
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Andy Whiteside: it it becomes obvious that it's adding value to the point where you probably at some point, won't even realize it's there. It's adding value that you don't see it because it just becomes natural. It comes expected.
00:22:53.560 --> 00:23:04.120
Andy Whiteside: Kristen. Do you have any examples of where you guys have used service now on the platform to enable business process that, you know, maybe had some naysayers going into it, but couldn't leave without it now.
00:23:05.170 --> 00:23:26.810
Kristin McDonald: Oh, gosh! I think every implementation starts that way. I don't think there is an implementation where we're everybody's on board. You always have at least one or 2 who are that reluctant to change. But service now tends to win them over pretty quickly, especially when they're able to see how many things they can self service on the platform. And how simple and easy it is to use. So yeah.
00:23:27.930 --> 00:23:32.970
Andy Whiteside: yeah, I mean, I think the way you said, it's right if you if you're working in these platforms and these workflows.
00:23:33.250 --> 00:23:55.379
Andy Whiteside: if you're doing the way you guys were explaining to the day where you're creating this overall epic. And then you're creating stories, these narratives within that epic in order to move the business forward. It's it should no longer be looked at as a it versus the business business versus it, it should be it serving the business through these platforms absolutely, and just to add one extra layer to that
00:23:55.710 --> 00:24:20.360
Kristin McDonald: service. Now, capabilities to cross departments and business units can also give that visibility layer to this discussion that that we really haven't had before. So for the first time and service. Now, when when you've got spm, that's tracking everything from your goals down to Implementation Act all the way out to your actual realized cost.
00:24:20.360 --> 00:24:41.309
Kristin McDonald: you've got financials tracked all the way across. You've got your business services mapped in the platform on service now, Csdm solution, so you can see for for this service that I'm offering internally to my business. These are all of the things that play into that. Here are the financials around that. And here's the actual realized benefit
00:24:41.310 --> 00:25:06.789
Kristin McDonald: to that organization. You can do the same thing on the client side. So you've got your client facing services lined out. You can see all of the it components that go into that exactly how they support it. All the financials around that as well. It it really is a powerful visualization, because you've got all of this data on a single unified platform. So you really can see all the way across. It's quite powerful.
00:25:07.140 --> 00:25:10.609
Kristin McDonald: I'm confusing last week's conference with the one before, but
00:25:11.280 --> 00:25:16.220
Andy Whiteside: this statement that I heard in the one before the week before at a conference was that new tanks got next.
00:25:16.290 --> 00:25:27.539
Andy Whiteside: you know you have to be investing in your business each and every CEO and I can't think of a better way to do that than implementing a platform that's limitless to what workflows can be enabled.
00:25:27.630 --> 00:25:29.190
Andy Whiteside: going forward.
00:25:29.430 --> 00:25:34.250
Andy Whiteside: It really takes that it infrastructure conversation from the week before.
00:25:34.570 --> 00:25:39.150
Andy Whiteside: and then doubles down on it with the idea of this platform as a service offering
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Andy Whiteside: with workflow capabilities or workflow outcomes just really makes it
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Andy Whiteside: makes it valuable to the business, and if you're not, then you're probably gonna lose those other businesses that do it are going to eventually beat you.
00:25:53.930 --> 00:26:11.839
Andy Whiteside: So, Fred, we talked about what's in the blog here about last week? What What other items did you take away that if somebody stopped you on the streets and asked you about you want to tell them about last week? I'm glad you asked is one big takeaway for me? As I reflected when I left, was it? And I went around and looked at a lot of different
00:26:12.040 --> 00:26:19.430
Fred Reynolds: things that were set up for them to kind of show some of the new things coming to what's there from my journey with service now over the last 8 years. What I think they've done really well
00:26:19.430 --> 00:26:47.099
Fred Reynolds: is is these starting to make these centers or more dashboard related to every single thing we should do. So I went to a security. One right security centered. It was really internal security around the platform, but it had a nice operational dashboard tool which allows you to drill down to the things you needed, but that roll up in those dashboard concepts are so huge and every step away, because now it's a great way to start the conversation, to bring up a dashboard where people understand the concept of dashboards and widgets and drill downs.
00:26:47.100 --> 00:27:15.049
Fred Reynolds: I think it makes, I think it's why service now it really started to exponentially take off, because before they didn't really have such a nice roll up dashboard, you had to create that. And now out of the box you get these great dashboards that have the information tied together. There's not a lot of work you have to do so out of the box. I think you can just get the capabilities of employees center and and security center and all these other centers that created that that brings it right to the forefront for you to do your business right away. That's what I took away.
00:27:15.890 --> 00:27:17.140
Andy Whiteside: Kristen. How about you?
00:27:17.690 --> 00:27:42.749
Kristin McDonald: I'm gonna double down on Fred's. Actually, I attended a separate session where they actually showed a new store app, a series of new store apps that go from the Ci level dashboarding where you can add a glance. See what's going on in your organization all the way down to that actual work level where the fulfillment's actually taking place. So I I would double down on that. They're reporting, and dashboards have really taken a step forward this year.
00:27:43.860 --> 00:27:46.929
Andy Whiteside: and you see the end in sight to that.
00:27:47.470 --> 00:28:05.509
Kristin McDonald: I wouldn't expect it. One of my favorite things to say to new clients who are coming on service now, just to understand the level of innovation there. Service now has an army of developers, and they are constantly building on the platform. So I I do not see an end in site. Yeah.
00:28:05.600 --> 00:28:15.659
Fred Reynolds: And I think, how about you? What did you take this? This is your first time there. You kind of knew the service down the way I mean. The Expo hall was pretty impressive, and you could see all the technology coming to work. So what did you take away?
00:28:16.810 --> 00:28:22.379
Andy Whiteside: you know my honest answer is between going between the different
00:28:22.460 --> 00:28:34.079
Andy Whiteside: you know the the different, what I call workflows. I think I'm using an old term there different workflows and all the different industry use cases, and some of the the partners that bolted on to that. It's it's bigger
00:28:34.130 --> 00:28:38.160
Andy Whiteside: and there's more potential than I even realized. And I thought I was pretty big going into that
00:28:39.380 --> 00:28:40.260
Fred Reynolds: awesome.
00:28:41.020 --> 00:28:46.730
Andy Whiteside: I think what really got me was going to the different industry. different industry booths and seeing
00:28:46.890 --> 00:28:56.949
Andy Whiteside: them talk about the impact that we're having on individual industries, whether it's manufacturing or health care or government And just within 30 s of talking to someone, light bulbs went off
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Andy Whiteside: around what was possible and who was already doing what?
00:29:00.140 --> 00:29:05.080
Fred Reynolds: And I think that really speaks to the innovation. Because, you know, a couple of years ago, it's really more about. I.
00:29:05.170 --> 00:29:10.739
Fred Reynolds: They say, a quote a module. You know, that you had to do something. Maybe this ticket, and maybe it's basic functions. Now
00:29:11.180 --> 00:29:40.180
Fred Reynolds: they've taken it elevated these things, I think a lot with these centers and and dashboards to really bring it together to show the specific use cases for a health care and manufacturing something new that I know. I talked to Chris, and I think, and you are both about more on the procurement side. I've never really thought about how server's not played into procurement, you know. you know I'm somewhat new to the Hr. And loving what they do on Hr. Procurement could be such a big thing for a company to get procurement tied into the rest of it, because in my past it's always been so separate
00:29:40.180 --> 00:29:50.380
Fred Reynolds: isolated from even some of the financials, and it should not be it it should not be. Well, that's a great example of the business versus it procurement, and it had been in a fight for a long time.
00:29:51.780 --> 00:29:52.790
Andy Whiteside: long time.
00:29:53.910 --> 00:29:59.000
Andy Whiteside: Well, guys, I got a bunch of podcasts to go post anything else. We want to cover around knowledge.
00:30:00.010 --> 00:30:10.080
Andy Whiteside: No, I'm looking forward to next year, and Santa is going to represent Strong next year, that's all I have to say. We've made a pretty big splash this year, but I can't only imagine what to be like in the future.
00:30:10.420 --> 00:30:27.340
Andy Whiteside: Guys. Thank you. thank you for your help there this week, or last week Kristin and a team. You guys worked on an app during the hackathon. I thought it was cool. You guys did. I thought it was really cool. How excited you guys were, and how much effort you put into it. I don't know why you tell us real quick. What you guys came up with?
00:30:27.370 --> 00:30:52.160
Kristin McDonald: Oh, sure, actually, we have been speaking with partner nonprofits. called Igm, and their their goal is to end human trafficking. So we actually built during the hackathon, you get about 8 h where you can build in code and build a solution on top of service now, but you only get the 8 h. So we focused on building a web-based portal where individuals who could report
00:30:52.160 --> 00:31:05.580
Kristin McDonald: anything that they saw anything questionable suspect get connected with local authorities. There was reporting on that tracking through the life cycle of an individual who might have been caught up in something like that.
00:31:05.580 --> 00:31:08.920
Kristin McDonald: So yeah, it was. It was great to work with her partner on that one.
00:31:08.920 --> 00:31:15.779
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, no, it. It sounds like something's necessary and need it. I bet we could probably take that to market pretty quick. Something similar.
00:31:16.080 --> 00:31:17.020
Kristin McDonald: Yeah.
00:31:17.310 --> 00:31:25.980
Andy Whiteside: all right, guys. Well, thank you again. Last week was fun and excited to do it again in 12 months or sooner. And, Eric other areas.
00:31:26.440 --> 00:31:39.980
Kristin McDonald: You know what I just as I'm saying that I lot, I'm thinking myself we probably should come up with some kind of post-knowledge road show over. I don't know, Fred yet. Another thing, but would be great if we could do it
00:31:40.250 --> 00:31:43.850
Fred Reynolds: absolutely all right. Guys, see? You. Thank you.